Playable Ads

Unlocking the Power of Playable Ads

In the age of information overload and banner blindness, traditional advertising struggles to capture attention and drive meaningful engagement. Enter the realm of playable ads: interactive mini-games or experiences embedded within ad formats that allow users to directly try before they buy. This innovative approach transcends passive viewing, transforming users from spectators into active participants,…


Google Maps: 2024 Indian Navigation Evolved

Remember the frustration of deciphering cryptic Indian addresses, relying on “next to the chai shop” as your only guide? Google Maps is stepping up its game to navigate these complexities, bringing the familiarity of real-life landmarks to its digital streets. Google Maps also announced partnerships with ONDC and mobility app Namma Yatri to provide a…


Exploring the New Google Play Store Listing

IntroductionTable of ContentsIntroductionPart 1: Major Updatesi) Features and Announcementsii) Contentiii) Pre-registration UpdatePart 2: Time-Limited Eventsi) Competitions and Challengesii) Real-Time ContentPart 3: From the Publisheri) When users search for your app on the Play Store, the first thing they see is the “From the Publisher” section. Make the most of this feature with a short and…
